Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 28 esl>eng Direccion Provincial de Control y Asistencia Pospenitenciaria Regional Agency for Post-Custodial Release Supervision and Assistance pro closed no
4 Feb 27 esl>eng pesos de relación relative weight/s pro closed ok
- Feb 27 esl>eng jineteo cash skimming pro closed no
- Feb 27 esl>eng intervención sexológica psychosexual group therapy + counselling pro just_closed no
- Feb 23 esl>eng desarrollo y ejecución de [un contrato] roll(-)out / commissioning and performance [of a contract] pro closed no
3 Feb 22 esl>eng a través del cual se dispuso el acto via which the notice had been channelled pro closed ok
3 Feb 22 esl>eng los asuntos comerciales en su actividad commercial matters / dealings / in the course of the former's activity pro closed ok
- Feb 22 esl>eng cuya información confidencial se trata whose confidential information is the one involved pro closed ok
- Feb 20 esl>eng desfamiliarización an investment chanced on > a move away from family-centered / centred pro closed no
- Feb 21 esl>eng Escuela Fiscomisional grant-maintained / direct-grant school in BrE; Fed. government-funded public school in AmE pro closed no
- Feb 20 esl>eng Proceso Escrito Paper Trial pro closed no
- Feb 18 esl>eng en su operación as operated pro closed ok
- Feb 18 esl>eng la cuenta bancaria debidamente informada y certificada such bank account as has been duly reported + certified by the Adviser/or > as genuine + for tax ID pro closed ok
4 Feb 18 esl>eng firma, formalización, ejecución o terminación signing (execution), formalis/zing (notarially or by Deed), performance/enforcement or termination pro closed ok
- Feb 18 esl>eng reclamar a la otra parte to claim against the other side pro closed ok
- Feb 17 esl>eng Delegado ESP Prov.: Regional Commissioner; Shipping Line: Agent pro closed ok
- Feb 16 esl>eng Otorgante. maker (of a Deed) pro closed ok
- Feb 14 esl>eng Mantenimiento conductivo periodic checklist maintenance pro closed no
- Feb 6 esl>eng El incremento patrimonial no justificado unjust (proprietary / asset-based) enrichment pro closed ok
4 Feb 6 esl>eng teniente político County (AmE) Sheriff (BrE) DL / Deputy Lieutenant pro closed no
- Jan 31 esl>eng Hágase conforme lo pide la solicitante y devuelvase original con sus resultas Let the application be adjudged accordingly, as sought by the applicant(s) and the original pro closed no
- Jan 30 esl>eng Ciudadano ... su dispacho His Hono(u)r ... in (his Judge's) Chambers pro open no
- Jan 27 esl>eng segmento de mayor circulación segment with the bulk of trade plied pro closed ok
- Jan 23 esl>eng autonomía instrumental independence (to act) as an agent pro closed ok
- Jan 21 esl>eng prueba de síntesis evaluation test pro closed no
- Jan 20 esl>eng consulta diaria day surgery pro closed ok
- Jan 19 esl>eng Se previene la solicitud notice (forewarning) is hereby given of the application pro closed ok
- Jan 18 esl>eng Con relevación de inventario y de fianza with release from inventoris/zing the estate and (E&W) furnishing security (AmE) posting bond pro closed ok
- Jan 18 esl>eng Sancionando con legítima estricta al legitimario que no acatare esta disposición punish, by abatement to a bare automatic entitlement, such forced heir as disregards this provision pro closed ok
- Jan 16 esl>eng de manera que se defina as defined; in such way as is defined pro closed no
- Jan 16 esl>eng regimen económico the way (corporate assets or E&W: matrimonial/US AmE: marital) property is held pro closed ok
- Jan 9 esl>eng Bitácora presidencial de un vicepresidente Presidential Blog of a Vice-President in Waiting pro closed ok
- Jan 8 esl>eng Remanente iva crédito fiscal balance of input VAT pro closed no
- Jan 8 esl>eng Abbreviation "Spdo." (Bolivia) subordinate to pro closed ok
4 Jan 7 esl>eng medidas de seguridad (civ.) safeguarding measure/s; (crim.) restraining order/s pro closed no
- Jan 5 esl>eng hacer poste, hacerle el poste a alguien (México) to shaft s.o.; give s.o. the shaft pro closed ok
- Jan 6 esl>eng Base liquidable general vs. Base imponible general net taxable income; total income (combined / BrE & IrE) pro closed ok
- Jan 5 esl>eng estar y pasar to stand and abide by (ratify) pro closed no
- Jan 4 esl>eng EN LEGAL litigated pro open no
- Jan 1 esl>eng aparece nota marginal legal de impugnacion There appears in the margin a statutory note of a paternity challenge> BrE: pending affiliation suit pro closed ok
- Dec 27 '23 esl>eng Demanda colectiva y acción de clase representative action (group claim} vs. class action pro open no
4 Dec 26 '23 esl>eng Asociación Civil para el Desarrollo Integral (ACDI) Private Charitable Association for Integrated Development (ACDI) pro closed no
- Dec 23 '23 esl>eng Por presentado, parte, por denunciado el domicilio real (Let the record show/hold that-) an appearance entered ex parte & notice given of a de facto address pro open no
- Dec 20 '23 esl>eng Oficio DAS TRATO No. XXXX Official Direction from the (Anti-)Social Affairs Dept. Liaison No. XXXX pro just_closed no
- Dec 19 '23 esl>eng Con vista a la solicitud entrada 8790/2023 (0) de fecha 19/12/2023 with reference to (on reading) the application logged in as 8790/2023 and dated 19/12/2023 pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '23 esl>eng a igualdad de ofertas should offers rank on par pro closed no
- Dec 17 '23 esl>eng protocolos asistenciales en los que está incluido care step pathway/s in which (the male patient is) included pro open no
- Dec 15 '23 esl>eng intercalando los meses de consumo y descanso alternate (alternating) between months of intake and breaks pro closed ok
4 Dec 13 '23 esl>eng "acrecidos financieros" investment accruals (interest + share dvidends + income from land, Arg.) pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '23 esl>eng antecedentes [divorcio] prior matters; matters predating the decree pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered